Our Goal Is Your Comfort
Having a furnace in your home is responsible for keeping you warm during the cold winter months. However, it's important to recognize when furnace problems arise so you can prevent further damage and maintain comfort. Here are some signs you may need a furnace repair service.
Do you hear loud or strange noises coming from the furnace? It may be clanking, popping, or squealing. These noises can come from various furnace parts, such as loose belts and corroded motors. If you hear any of these odd sounds coming from your furnace, contact a technician so they can take a look.
If you notice your heating bill is going up while the furnace isn't producing more heat, this could indicate a problem. A furnace repair technician can inspect the furnace to ensure it's running as efficiently as possible, and they'll also identify any issues that may be costing you money.
Once winter sets in, you need enough airflow to keep your furnace running. If you notice the furnace isn't producing enough heat, it may be coming from problems with the furnace blower motor, thermostat, or other furnace parts. A furnace repair service will also check the filter and make sure it's clean, as a dirty furnace filter can reduce airflow.
Over time, furnace parts wear out and furnace repair service becomes necessary. According to the Department of Energy, floor furnaces often experience problems because their vents are 10 to 30 feet from the chimney. If this is the case in your home, it could be diminishing the overall lifespan of your furnace. As a general rule of thumb, if your furnace is over 10 years old, it may be time to consider furnace replacement as opposed to repair.
A furnace should produce a blue flame, not a yellow one. According to The Family Handyman, a yellow flame can indicate incomplete combustion, which leads to carbon monoxide in the furnace, so you should stop using it until the furnace contractor has inspected it and fixed the problem. Soot around the furnace can also be a sign of the presence of carbon monoxide.
By recognizing furnace problems and scheduling furnace repair service at the first sign of trouble, you can save money on repairs while ensuring your furnace runs efficiently and safely. Our local team has experienced professionals that will safely inspect, maintain, and repair any furnace. Contact Paradise Heating & Air Conditioning today if your furnace appears to be failing.
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